Friday, September 27, 2013

No time for Losers!!!

 Because we are the champions.... in Reindeer class! We made our own trophies today using some recycled materials, paint, glue, blood, sweat and tears. Nothing like a hard earned memento for your mantle. 
BOOMSAUCE! as we say in Reindeer

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Fall (9/30-10/4)

There's a chill in the air, the leaves are starting to change colors, football season is in full swing.  It must be fall.  Some call it autumn.

The vocals are a little weird, but the tune is nice and has a lot of great autumn information.  Koala, Reindeer and Kangaroo will really enjoy it.

Dolphin, Bear, Panda, Giraffe and Elephant will learn what is perhaps the best song about fall ever written, Autumn Almanac by The Kinks.  It is a challenging piece with a lot of changes, but it is beautiful.

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept. 23-27 Art Project

This week is sports week at Sullivan school. The kids will make Olympic head wreaths and the iconic Olympic torch using construction paper and various arts and craft materials. Let's go Sully let's go!!

The Sully kids are back!

The Sully students are back from the Chuseok holidays! They will be preparing for the fall curriculum and for this weeks theme which is sports. Let's crack on then!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Sports (9/22-9/27)

Let's paint our faces and head to the stadium for Sports week at Sullivan.  The kids will learn the classic ball park anthem, Take Me Out to the Ball Game

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Friday, September 13, 2013

 Happy Chuseok! We had such fun playing traditional games and learning how to make songpyeong ~ I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday with their families!  <3 Jackie Teacher <3

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Art Project Sept. week 3: Thanksgiving Chuseok

Even though next week Sullivan School will only have 2 days of classes, the kids will still have art classes. They will make thankful cards because the students have many things to be thankful for this year.

Chuseok Chu-ROCKS!

Reindeers? More like CUTEdeers! If you've never seen a kid in a hanbok, then this probably made your day. But most likely, you're in Korea and so you've seen it before. Still- these kids are soooooo cute I want to bite them!

I especially love the two girls who got something in their eyes and are trying to dig it out with a pair of hand scissors, then scary zombie boy in the front and the student behind him who is very concerned about this adorable, undead little one. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Grainy in Koala Class

This week the Koala class learned about Grains. To do that, we made bread together in class. It was a sticky experience, but the end result was worth it. Yummy!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reingaroo is Mac'n it!!!

 Yes, we are cutting the cheese, melting the sauce and mixing it with our noodles. Straight Mackin' it!

 This was some their first experience tasting Macaroni and Cheese, and it was much better made from scratch- as opposed to the blue Kraft Mac & Cheese boxes that is usually eaten outside of Korea.

  I hope they will never forget the delicious fun time that was this pasta cooking extravaganza!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Alex and Kathrine! Panda Class Party

Last week, Panda class held a birthday party for Alex and Katherine. As we always do, we had a lot of fun laughing, joking, eating and drinking birthday juice with everyone. 

Sol-B giving Katherine a gift.

Jonathan giving Alex his gift.

World Foods

The students of Kangaroo class

learned about foods from around the world.  This was a very helpful exercise that highlighted that the world is a big place and every place is a bit different.  The kids are broadening their scope, and really enjoyed the game we played after.

Once Upon a Time in...Koala Class

Koala kids have transformed into Rapunzel and Knights in Armor!

Making a Splash In Koala Class

For our 100 Day celebration, Koala class made 100 fish and became a school of little fish!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Health and Cleanliness (9/9-9/12)

We all know how important it is to work to keep our bodies in tip-top shape.  Next week the Sully kids will be talking about what they can do to make sure they're ready to learn and play all year long.

Koalas, Reindeer and Kangaroo are going to sing another classic kids tune by Raffi, Brush Your Teeth.

ch ch ch ch, ch-ch ch ch ch

Brush Your Teeth by Raffi

Dolphin, Bear, Panda, Giraffe and Elephant will sing a song from Sesame Street, The Ten Commandments of Health.  This song gives the students instruction on ten things they can and should do to stay healthy.

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Making yummy cereal necklaces in Dolphin class :)

    In Dolphin class, we had food with our food theme. ! We got to make, and eat of course, necklaces made from cereal.  In math we are doing patterns so I had the students make a pattern using the colors from the fruit circles :)    Yummy ^^

Monday, September 2, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Food (9/2-9/5)

Yum yum yum.  The theme this week is food.  We're going to learn about a bounty of delectable delights and sing about them as well.

Koalas, Reindeer and Kangaroo will sing the class vowel-bending tune about some favorite fruits, Apples and Bananas.  Practice those different long vowel sounds.

- Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher