Monday, November 4, 2013

It's a Sullivan Halloween ^^

It's that time of year again where the spooks, witches, and werewolves come out to play! ^^ That's right! It's time for the 2013 Sullivan Halloween Party! 
 Dolphin class 2013 (let's count how many spiderman's we can find) There's 1.
 Panda Class 2013 (There's 2)
 Giraffe Class 2013

 Elephant class 2013 (there's 3 and 4)
 Bear Class 2013 (I found Waldo!)
 Koala Class 2013 (There are 2 Iron Men)
 Reindeer Class 2013 (5 Spiderman costumes, and another Waldo)
 Kangaroo Class 2013 (There's 6!)
 Here is the face painting station of the Halloween party.
Thanks to all of the Sullivan Staff for making a great and memorable Halloween Party. Scare Ya next time Bwa hahahahah! 

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