Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Puke?

Our pumpkin was sooooo cute, it got sick. Or maybe it just ate too much candy.

Pajama-rama October 17, 2013 (Part 2)

Here is part 2 of our pajama party week. The fun continues ^^

 Here we see Colin from elephant reading to a friend. I love his red pajamas!
 Here Chloe for reindeer class is excited for dinner as the parents brought some delicious food. Don't forget to chew Chloe!
 Here Sally from elephant class is playing a game with her classmates.
 Daniel from elephant class is having a ball with his dad in the gym class.
 Here Randall teacher from Bear class is presenting for the parents on pajama day.
 Joon is concentrating hard to win the game.
This is cute. Roy is on his dad's lap clapping along to the music next to Elijah and John from Reindeer class.
 Here gayoung is playing a game with Yena.
 More fun and games with the parents.
And finally the limbo contest. Hmm I'm not sure if that's allowed dad! Haha.

The pajama party was a great success. Everyone had so much fun. Thanks to all of the teachers and staff for making this years pajama party memorable. See you guys next year!!

Pajama-rama!!!! October 16, 2013 (part 1)

It's been so busy at Sullivan School that we haven't been able to update all of the wonderful pictures and stories on this blog! Pajama Party was so much fun for the kids, parents, and staff!
 Solbi is sharing a hilariously funny story with a fellow panda!
 Here the students are having a banquet. Thanks too all of the parents who brought in the delicious food. The kids, and staff ;), enjoyed the wonderful food!
 Here the parents are enjoying some physical education games with their kids. 

 Haha I think the parents are dancing to Crayon Pop's "Bar, bar, bar" song. Way to go!
 Here the Koala class is getting ready for their class presentations for their dads ^^
Finally all of the parents and children play a rousing game of limbo! How low can you go?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

   All the kids had so much on Pajama Party! It was nice to see everyone!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Solar System (10/28-11/08)

For the next two weeks at Sullivan School the students will be learning about their solar system.  As we tour the neighborhood from Mercury on out we'll be learning some new space-based songs.  The first of which was created for the Animaniacs, "The Planet Song."  They include Pluto, as this was written before the very controversial decision to relegate it as a mere dwarf planet, and neglect to mention Uranus until the very end. That said, it was a good jumping off point and this version is still quite close to what we'll be doing in music class.

Our older students will be learning David Bowie's "Space Oddity."  There was a great illustration done by Andrew Kolb to accompany this song and even alone, it is a classic space song from the late '60s.  Enjoy!

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Friday, October 18, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Transportation & Vehicles (10/21-10/25)

I packed my bags last night, preflight.  This week's theme is transportation and vehicles and we're going to sing a couple of songs about two very different forms of transportation.  The first is an old number by Harry Dacre, Daisy Bell.  A song about a man who can't afford to buy his bride a horse-drawn carriage, but who hopes to accompany her on a tandem bicycle.

The next vehicle of choice is quite different and much more modern, the rocket!  Dolphin, Bear, Panda, Giraffe and Elephant classes will learn Elton John's Rocket Man.

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Friday, October 4, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Geography (10/7-10/18)

For the next two weeks, the Sully Kids will be learning all about geography.  In music class, we'll take this opportunity to learn a few songs from different countries around the world.

The first song we're looking at is Kye Kye Kule (pronounced Chay Chay Kulay).  It's a children's song from Ghana, and I've found a solid arrangement on YouTube.

Kye Kye Kule (Video Link)

The next song is the chorus from an old Russian standard, Пусть всегда будет солнце (Pust' Vsegda Budet Solntse).  I found an old recording on YouTube.  May attention to the chorus.

Pust' vsegda budet solntse,              May there always be sunshine,
Pust' vsegda budet nebo,                 May there always be blue skies,
Pust' vsegda budet mama,                May there always be Mommy,

Pust' vsegda budu ya!                       May there always be me!

And the last song comes from Argentina, though is not uncommon throughout Latin America.  The name of the tune is "Mi Chacra" (My Farm) and it covers the common farm animals and their sounds in Spanish.There isn't a version online exactly like the one I'd like to do, but this one is close.

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

Thursday, October 3, 2013

 We are all working hard getting ready for pajama party ! Here is dolphin class practicing their performance for their Dad's! I am excited to see everyone at Pajama Party! It is coming up so soon :)    Jackie Teacher