Friday, October 4, 2013

Music Class Theme Songs: Geography (10/7-10/18)

For the next two weeks, the Sully Kids will be learning all about geography.  In music class, we'll take this opportunity to learn a few songs from different countries around the world.

The first song we're looking at is Kye Kye Kule (pronounced Chay Chay Kulay).  It's a children's song from Ghana, and I've found a solid arrangement on YouTube.

Kye Kye Kule (Video Link)

The next song is the chorus from an old Russian standard, Пусть всегда будет солнце (Pust' Vsegda Budet Solntse).  I found an old recording on YouTube.  May attention to the chorus.

Pust' vsegda budet solntse,              May there always be sunshine,
Pust' vsegda budet nebo,                 May there always be blue skies,
Pust' vsegda budet mama,                May there always be Mommy,

Pust' vsegda budu ya!                       May there always be me!

And the last song comes from Argentina, though is not uncommon throughout Latin America.  The name of the tune is "Mi Chacra" (My Farm) and it covers the common farm animals and their sounds in Spanish.There isn't a version online exactly like the one I'd like to do, but this one is close.

-Mr. Strutt, Music Teacher

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