Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pajama-rama!!!! October 16, 2013 (part 1)

It's been so busy at Sullivan School that we haven't been able to update all of the wonderful pictures and stories on this blog! Pajama Party was so much fun for the kids, parents, and staff!
 Solbi is sharing a hilariously funny story with a fellow panda!
 Here the students are having a banquet. Thanks too all of the parents who brought in the delicious food. The kids, and staff ;), enjoyed the wonderful food!
 Here the parents are enjoying some physical education games with their kids. 

 Haha I think the parents are dancing to Crayon Pop's "Bar, bar, bar" song. Way to go!
 Here the Koala class is getting ready for their class presentations for their dads ^^
Finally all of the parents and children play a rousing game of limbo! How low can you go?

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